Maybe my momma will do something fun with me when she's done watering...
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Friday, June 29, 2012
Check out fantasy fest this is 10 crazy days in Key West, FL. The most fun I ever had at a parade!!!
Thank God I don't drink!
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Stella can't believe it's raining for the first time in a long time. Waa hoo!
Another great OG morning
Everyday doing something on or in the bus, makes me think I might be ready to go... finally got a little bit of rain last night. Waiting for the big ones so I can spend some time in the forest, I need to get my time in before we go. Only 7 weeks before
"The bus is leaving "
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
More travel management rule
Looks like a lot of this going on up here now too. Because the forest service is broke we don't get signs like that we get a pile of logs and dirt. (I had to find the picture of the sign on the internet) A 100 foot radius of tore up ground, trees that have been run over or just scratched by heavy equipment means the forest service have been there, more destruction than all of the off roaders could do in a year. They think forest fires are bad now take away 80% more of the roads no access to fight fires and no fire brakes. They will soon put themselves out of a job. No forest no job! So many restrictions people wont come just like the BLM did at the dunes. If you think I'm exaggerating ask a BLM ranger that has worked at the dunes if you can find one. I told you I had opinions!!!
Monday, June 25, 2012
My bike
Childhood trauma has been healed today... My bike officially kicks ass! I am so in love. Can't wait for Key West.
Pimping out our rides for Florida. Can't wait!
Yep I still HATE EM! Why don't we send them out in the forest when they are burning so they can watch the "NATURAL BURN" and hug a tree.
No rain
We had a few drops and a still a week before any real rain. Thought we could make it without going WHITE TRASH ... NOPE!
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Should have RAN! ??? Not impressed. Well 24 hours later...
It fixed the speedometer not to sure about shift points.
The company is sending out a new programmer today, should be here Friday again.
Going to install a tire size / speedometer programmer on the Jeep today. After finishing the job for both transmission shops and mechanic shop, about a third of the bolts were loose and one stripped out. we got all of the noises to stop and the transmission pan leaking stopped.(team ramco yuma arizona) I did learn one thing, when a company tells you how great they are for 20 minutes... RUN!
Friday, June 22, 2012
Yard sales! Thrift stores!
Its like working weekends...
Sorry no picture yet.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Almost sock...
So here it is in all it's stripy goodess!
Smoke from the Poco fire, still 20 miles away. About 8000 acres burnt. Governor signed a bill to clean the forest And environmentalists filed a lawsuit the same day. Got an injunction so millions of dollars and a million more acres will burn. I HATE HIPPIES! Looks like rains are coming hopefully it will put the fires out and hopefully the hippies will take a bath.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Today is HAUL PINE NEEDLES TO THE BRUSH PIT day. Only one small load, so I think I'll rename today TAKE A SMALL LOAD TO THE BRUSH PIT AND THEN HEAD TO THE FOREST day.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Jeep repairs
A little grease never hurt a girl! Saved ourselves some money by crawling around under the Jeep looking for a clunking noise. Bill found a loose bolt the the transmission repair shop left loose. All fixed. Don't you love quality repair shops?
Monday, June 18, 2012
Thermometer reading 88 way to hot for the mountain. 115 in phoenix, so we're hot, phoenix is hell. Monsoons look like they will start Friday so cool is coming and Put some fires out!
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Happy Fathers Day!
I hope everyone has a great Fathers Day. If it's your first (CONGRATS Scott), or your 39th (CONGRATS DAD). You ask deserve the best day!
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Worked on the motorhome today, alot to do now we're leaving in 9 weeks instead of 13. Sad for me... never got drawn for elk hunt so leaving before the elk rut. Oh well I bet they will rut next year. and I bet they shed in February, we'll be here!
Flowers in the yard.
Here are some flowers. My good friend took care of them while we were gone. The Hollyhocks are looking great. Glad to be home for a bit. Hit some good sales this morning.
Also a picture of an awesome crown brooch. This is so stunning in person. It will be for sale tomorrow on Ebay.
Friday, June 15, 2012
Back at the cabin unloaded the motorhome and moved in already. We will be here weeks 9 then back on the road again. Already missing the coach!!!
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Mobile Communication Unit
16 antennas, 1 tv antenna and a weather station. I hope he has not forgot anything ... like a cell phone.
I just got a better count 21 antennas!
And no pants on the owner.
Winslow Wal-mart
I would like to think we're saving money staying here instead of an RV park. This will probably cost us $200.00 or more. $22.00 a night at the RV park. It will be easier to load groceries into the motorhome than into the Jeep then motorhome. Then tomorrow we get to move it all again. Back to the cabin for 12 weeks, now we need rain so I can cut firewood for next SHED HUNTING SEASON!
On the road!
Well today we got evicted from the forest. Apparently even tho we were on a marked numbered road with an established camp spot....we were on a closed road. I'm sure Billy will chime in with his view on the whole event. So here are some pics of what a difference 20 miles can make.
Our driveway...
Good morning everyone! We have had such a great time here in Happy Jack. There are a ton of trails to ride. We haven't been on the same one twice! Also the campsite is nice and quiet. Haven't seen any other people. If you are looking for peace and serenity this is the place. Here is a picture of or current driveway.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
So far the biggest problem I have today is... it's a little chilly in the shade and a little warm in the sun. I have to keep moving. I think it's a pretty damn good day!
Morning sun
Soaking up the sunlight of the spirit, love the mornings.
Funniest thing we bought this week!
A full can of Hamms beer...
Here's the links to the items we have on Ebay right now! Check it out.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Working on the inside of the coach today removed windshield fans, fixed tv mount, found and fixed a small sqeak. Yesterday ran a 110 volt wire for a receptacle and 12 volt for a phone charger next to my chair. If it ain't easy I fix it! Good place to work on stuff. Always alot of stuff to work on. Great day! Again.
Well almost...sock...stay tuned. I just love this color. Don't you?
Here's some morning flowers we saw today. Went for a long ride in the Jeep and got to see baby elk. It was awesome. Stella found a dead coyote so she was happy. All in all it was a good way to start the day. Oh and the horses came back. I think they like Billy. Now on to knitting and sitting!
Monday, June 11, 2012
Happy Jack Post Office
This nice surprise saved us a 50 mile round trip to Pine, Az. That gave us time out of our busy schedule to go shed hunting this morning. Camping use to be so easy now we need phone service, gas station and a post office within 50 miles.
Shed hunting in Happy Jack
Still no sheds found yet, I'm not leaving with out one! We are a little sick with this. WE GET THE FEVER and can't stop. Thats ok the next thing we have to do is Tucson in September...we have time. LOL
Good morning
Relaxing drinking coffee in the sun... And chasing horses out of camp.
Our poop bags are not that big they are for yorkies not horses. Great morning!!!
They're back!
So we woke up to the horses in the yard today. I loved it. Bill and Stella had a different opinion.