2 1/2 weeks to go. Today was a 30 mile forest ride. Now hangin' by the fire.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
2" of rain
Not bad for Arizona in 24 hours.
Winter position!
2 days of rain and cold sent Jay and Stella into their winter schedule.
Fireplace lit, warm blanket, kittin' on the couch! LOL
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Monday, July 23, 2012
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Got enough rain to not be able to shed hunt or cut anymore firewood but loving it!
Stella standing guard on some GATOR.
Went to yard sales and thrift stores. Going to the noon meeting then hamburger and CAKE THEN TO THE WOODS FOR SHED HUNTING AND WOOD CUTTING. GREAT B-DAY!
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Shed hunting and wood cutting
Today we found 3 sheds and only cut 2 trees. Good afternoon!
Posted on 7/19/12 added picture on 7/21/12
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Tree removed
Had to cut a pinyon pine because the snow had made it lean over the cabin and electric service. SUCKS!
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Fire on the mountain
Today was a little wood cutting and a little shed hunting. We got some wood!
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Three shed day!
We went out for less than three hours yesterday and found two deer and one elk shed.
Friday, July 13, 2012
We found a small fire burning yesterday. Called 911 and waited around for well over a hour and still no fire fighters. Thank God it was in a burn area that also had a slow response time.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Finally over a 1/2" of rain.
And kinda cold. Love it!
Elk Rub Fest
Last years, but love to see them.
I wonder if the forest service is thinking of removing the elk if they keep this up?
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Elk shed hunting
Even the small ones need to be found! SHED HUNTING SEASON NEVER ENDS.
Monday, July 9, 2012
Overgaard Post Office
Thats it... Overgaard Post Office.
Broke a t-case mount
Only made it to the first hill maybe 2 miles, before Jay said " go up there ".
Had to stuff a rock between the seat and shifter but made it home under our own power. Going to borrow one. ordering 1 today!
Finally going to the woods
Will post pics later today!
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Stayin' sober
Just sitting in front of the library waiting to see if anyone needs a meeting. I could always use one. Most everyone is at the parade so we may leave here at 12:15 that means I may leave here with the same attitude I came with... poor Jay
Friday, July 6, 2012
The parade and fireworks
I have made a decision to stay with in my fence to keep everybody safe. That is the least I can do for my community.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Pimp my bicycle part two...
Here she is all blacked out. Now if I can only figure out how to tint the reflectors! Hope everyone has a safe and happy weekend.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
July 4 2006
Lets see how this went down, yep kinda trashy. July 4th, midnight, Vegas, drive-thu, drivin' a " pigtruck", Elvis looking at the flatbed on our truck in my mirror, and we didn't pay for "the Elvis package". We laughed though the whole thing. then back to the casino for more gambling, best $40.00 I ever spent. And I tried to get a payment plan. nope, Cash money !
That was six years ago, I am more in love today than I was that night. The best part is we never stopped laughing and it keeps getting better.
and that little dog too!
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Storm coming...
There's thunder in the distance, but blue skies here. I feel like a scary movie is going to start...
Overgaard fireworks
I'm hoping for more rain, I believe the fireworks are going to go on if we get more rain or not. The forecast looks good thank god. I would hate to see this mountain burn again. After watching the last couple of weeks of news watching the homes burn in Colorado Springs, I would think the decision would be made over rainfall not money. At least this year we do not have firefighters fighting fires that started as controlled burns one or two days before 40 to 60 mile per hour winds were predicted. Maybe the forest service is watching the weather before they start a controlled burn this year. Sorry no pictures just an opinion. Happy Fourth of July!
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Too many electronics
Will I ever eat again? I'm so hungry and Jay is only on the second electronic out of the five within her reach. And no fast food in this town. Even the Yorkie is dying.
Alcoholics Anonymous
This is Captain John Morgan.
Yes "Captain Morgan " my A A sponsor for 18 years 11 months.
He died on Jan 10 2011. I could never thank thank him enough for everything he taught me and all of the laughs we had. He died with 45 years sober, and one hell of story.
Thanks again John, you are so missed!
Half of a flower...
This little yellow flower is half open this morning. It's so pretty. I was given a gift this week, a gift of acceptance and forgiveness. The funny thing is it was there all along I just never took it. Life is funny that way.