Monday, August 15, 2016

RZR Ride

Exactly 3 miles away I hit a gate on the only road to get me out in the desert.
Damn Ranches have it all fenced and gated.
So riding sucks we're heading back to Tucson tomorrow.

Boot Hill Cemetery

Again interesting and free.
It's been 30 years at least since I spent the day in Tombstone.


The town to tough to die?
The town taking all the tourists cash lots of junk. Interesting.
Why does the real OLD WEST TOWN in Arizona  have signs that say ""NO GUNS PLEASE" ?
They never told me "with sugar on top" I guess that makes me a Outlaw.
We had a good time.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Benson Arizona....... Really?

Yep Benson just needed to get out of Tucson.
So far not bad beautiful RV Park my kind of place all black top and only a few trees.  and I should be able to ride from here.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Dog Days

We're STUCK in Tucson. The VA can't figure out how to make an appointment even for a urgent matter. If it we're up to the VA they would let Jay die along with the 22 Veterans that commit suicide every day !
So she is trying to find a outside place to move things along.
Stella is just sitting here waiting to leave. :-)

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Monday, August 1, 2016

Tubac Jack's

Great lunch at TJ"s in Tubac for my sister's Birthday.

RR X ing

Some good rains this week.
So much I can't ride today.

Stop To Smell The Flowers

Some really cool stuff to see out there I forget how beautiful the desert is.

47 Mile Ride

Beautiful day for a ride we're at 3200 foot elevation it only hit 85 today .
Some of the ride went to 6000 foot elevation and it was almost cold.
We're close to the border so need to be aware and carry a big gun. 😆
No Mexicans just a lot of Border Patrol.